Monday, March 14, 2011

Ushuaia, fin del mundo

Feb. 18th, right after we left Elephant Island, weather forecast from the research stations further south was not optimistic. Not only stronger head wind, but also zero visibility. As we were still more than one day sail to Paradise Bay, the Captain made a tough decision to turn around and head back north to Argentina. It was a surprise and disappointment for most passengers, especially for those who didn't know that about half of the time, this ship couldn't make all the ports because of weather. Here is as we enter the Beagle channel early in the morning 2 days later. Leaving all the weather behind.
Arrived Ushuaia at full moonset. Never thought about will see his mega Yacht - Octopus (blue and white docked on the right) here, at fin del mundo, the end of the world.
We took a catamaran excursion to see the sea lion colonies. Pups are few months old, and cling to the side of big Mama. Of course, every colony has a big Alpha male.
No, they are not penguin. They are cormorant, maybe penguin's close relatives, but they still can fly.
Lovely waterfront property. Especially the dog house!

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