Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last Stop

It was like a different planet. Those who live here seems that they live for a different reason. Also for a few days, they are powered mostly by alcohol and/or caffein.
The later it get, the more active they become.
This was about a month ago. Carnival at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My Dad and I went to the Saturday night Parade in Sambadrome. It rained off and on the whole time, but it didn't stop the crowd from going out to enjoy the shows. We sat/stood/danced through 4 sambas schools before heading back to the B&B on the subway way after midnight, dripping wet.

As the saying go:
Parade ticket - $80
Bottle water - $3
Subway ticket - $5.6
Dancing in the rain (with Dad)


1 comment:

  1. Hi May, this is huang ye. i was just thinking about you and wondering how you've been doing... didn't know you are on the side of the planet now. Brazil, Argentina, and Antarctica, wow! What a fun trip!
