Saturday, March 12, 2011

Elephant Island, Antarctica

Departing Falkland for Elephant Island, the Infinity encountered 30 feet swells and 40 knots head wind in the Drake Passage. I took a strip of "Zentrip" (A Japanese brand of Meclizine Hydrochloride, actually tastes like bitter tangerine) before I went to bed. I dreamt about Shackleton's ship "Endurance" icebound on my bed......
Here was the forbidding place where Shackleton's crews remained behind, waiting for rescue.
History tells us again, faith is what keeps people alive, especially in the very difficult condition. I used to wonder how much luck was involved for Shackleton to find South Georgia, 800 mile away in a 22 ft open lifeboat under continuous gales and stormy seas, in order to get help. Now I decided it wasn't luck, it was a miracle.
In the last couple of days, seeing all those photos of boats washed ashore in Sendai, people waiting to be rescue. I borrowed a prayer: May all those in Japan be comforted. May all trapped be found. May all injured be helped. May all the frightened be calmed.

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