Friday, March 18, 2011

Lucky weather @ Cape Horn and Puerto Madryn

As a sailor, I was not very proud of the way we get to Cape Horn, Chile. It was equivalent of climbing Mount Everest by helicopter. Also because of "Lucky good weather", we didn't get to experience the usual violence/ extreme sea conditions, which have made this place infamous as sailor's graveyard.
We traveled far on bus to see the wild lives in Puerto Madryn, Patagonia, a popular whale watching destination. We didn't see any whale there, but you can see whale skeleton everywhere. In fact, we saw some other animals on the way, but I was either too slow, too lazy, or my lens not long enough to catch anything worth showing. So, here I borrow someone else's site to show you what I saw (other then the penguin). It almost never rain there, but the day before we arrived, it rained so hard, it washed away the road to see penguins and elephant seals.
The port is also famous as ship graveyard.
Journey back up along the coast. Another day at sea before Uruguay.

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