Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Snow, Snow, Snow

We postponed our family visit/ snowboarding trip in Vancouver from Chinese new year to mid-March. It turned out to be one of the best snow trip. Fresh snow almost everyday, not too cold, and with relatively less people on the slope.
We got the end of season passes for Mount Seymour and tired ourselves out for a week.

A family visit is not completed without some sort of back-yard project. Two dead trees were gone now. Here are some after thoughts ;
1) If you need to take on something bigger than you are, make sure you're not in the way when it fall.
2) If you cannot make sure which way it will fall, make sure you and/or your partner have more than one escape route.
3) If you think you can make sure which way it will fall, you and/or you partner still need more than one escape route.

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