Thursday, January 3, 2008

Orange Bowl

Spent four days in Miami judging for Orange Bowl Regatta before the new year. One of the biggest I've ever been. Over 500 boats from 19 countries. I sailed in OBR over a decade ago, never dream that one day I will have the chance judging for it. It seems almost impossible, even now. The days begin with a brief meeting. Major task is assign power boats and race courses among 8 judges. Then we spent most of the day going around the course, observing the race and giving yellow flag for sailor who broke rule 42, which is "Propulsion, like pumping, rocking, ooching and sculling." Then we hear protests among sailors on shore after the races. Then I hear judges argue the case again at the bar and dinner. My power boat engine broke down in the middle of Biscayne bay one day, lucky to have an observer boat to tow back to the yacht club.

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