Sunday, December 23, 2007

True or False

Back then, I liked True or False, black or white. Loved math, couldn't handle history.

Recently, I re-certified as a US sailing judge. Part of the process is a true or false test. I found the test is a lot harder and easier, as I understand the rules better now, than years ago. It's harder for me to honestly tick "True" when I know better it's not always really true. It's easier since I begin to understand what the system expects the right answer to be.

So, try the following test I made up for fun, T or F, no explanation, no it depends, no body is going to listen. But, at some point in life, you might need to stand up to give your answer.

1. Killing is wrong.
2. If you love him/her enough then you would be with him/her forever.
3. Time, distance, speed of light can be measured.
4. Fate decides destiny.
5. God exists.

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