Sunday, January 20, 2008

Usefulness from what is not there

The postman found me in the front yard pulling weeds. He said " You got a package from Hong Kong!" So, I leave the weeds, came in to open the package. Made some tea to go with the cookie just arrived. Very delicious. Couldn't stop with just one.
Checked on the beautiful new calendar, new year is only weeks away, and it's going to be year of rat! We just watch "Ratatouille" last night. Inspiring! BTW, in the back of your card, " The poem - Usefulness from what is not there - Lao Tsu" is very inspiring too. Thank you, Sam.


  1. Can you type the phrase in Chinese? I would like to know what the phrase is.

  2. In fact, it's in English.

    Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub;
    It is the center hole that makes it useful.
    Shape clay into a vessel;
    It's the space within that makes it useful.
    Cut doors and windows for a room;
    It's the holes which make it useful.
    Therefore profit comes from what is there;
    Usefulness from what is not there.

    Let me know if you know the Chinese phrase.

  3. That's what I guessed --- 無用之用
