Thursday, August 30, 2007

A soul been to hell

The kind of glazes interest me the most, are those been to hell. To me, it means oxygen deprived for hours in thousands of degree. The poor soul came out with extreme clarity and layers of depth. The closest thing I can related to, is like a writer who had a difficult life (war/ jail/ death.....), through the prolong struggling, he found clarity and layers of meaning in life. You can see it in the writing. It's the kind of book makes you keep going back, and every time you will see a new layer.


  1. I don't know whether there is phrase in English describing your thought, but we surely have it in Chinese --- "玉不琢 不成器"

  2. In fact, "玉不琢 不成器" to me, can has a differnt layer of meaning. Jade is jade by itself, even without the craftsman's hand. Craftsman shapes it to whatever form to fulfill his own purpose, which doesn't change the nature of the jade. HK education system can be an example.
    I wonder is there a phrase in Chinese describing the kind of internal transfromation like from coal to diamond, through extreme pressure and heat.
