Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sexy orchid make lousy lovers

In fact, it's the title of a recent book about nature. It happened that some orchids in the backyard are in boom lately. And here's what the title refers to: From some orchid's perspective, "All is fair in love and cross pollination". They will put on great effort into luring a male insect by undulating with striking colors in the breeze or mimicking the form and smell of female insect, even though one-third of these ancient flowers have no nectar to offer potential pollinators. If a bee encounters this kind of orchid, he will eventually have to leave hungry, nevertheless help spreading the pollen. So, If you've never thought of orchid as a lover, you may want to think again. Exquisite, exotic, elegant but deceiving.
It has been freezing cold a few mornings this week. I have been moving orchid pots in at night, out when it's warm, and in again…… thinking, some lovers can be high maintenance too.
But, who can resist?

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