Thursday, December 16, 2010

Elbow above shoulder

For 6 months, I could hardly raise my left elbow over the shoulder because of a stupid move involving the bicycle. ;> OK,OK, the truth is I was sitting in the front of the mini-van, and try to pull the water bottle out from the bicycle in the back. See, it doesn't sound as cool.
I lost about 30% range of movement mostly to the back and up. Couldn't play swing monkey or windsurf. Sudden movement sent electric shock pain right down the arm. But, most of the time, I was fine with normal daily routine. So, my belief was just take it easy and let it resolve gradually without intervention. No doctor, no medicine, just simple exercises.
Maybe because of the cold weather lately, the shoulder started to cramp up during sleep, losing even more range of motion. Friends advised me to get treatment before it become a frozen shoulder.
Before the first visit to Ron (my acupuncturist), I planned carefully what to wear, so it's easy to show the bare shoulder and have needle inserted. Surprised by his request: "Can you take off your shoes and sock? Just the left one.", I wasn't sure I heard it right. It is the left foot acupuncture points he wants to focus on. He didn't look at or touch my shoulder at all.
During the 2nd visit today (I do remember clean socks!), the shoulder loosen up. Even with hand on the shoulder, the elbow can raise above shoulder. It's like an evil claw has been lifted from me. No more shock pain, even outside range, only dull pain.
It's a pleasure to be able to pull ones shirt off over head with BOTH hands.

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