Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kalaloch, Quinault and such

 These will be the last post of the O.P. trip. I have been taking my time to tell the story, which in fact happened last month. Here's hundred years old (feel that way) Kalaloch Lodge, right on the bluff next to the beach. Rustic is the key word. The only choice within 20 miles radius. It reminded me that we're here to be close to the wild and majestic coast line. Fortunately, their restaurant (also the only choice) does a good job in feeding their guests.

 Sunset Kalaloch beach. I couldn't decide I should shoot on the bluff, or down on the water. So, I end up in the middle.

 Bunch Falls in Quinault. One of the beauties you can catch without hiking. For some time, we were worry about driving on the unpaved road (about 10 miles in Quinault loop), with our borrowed non-4WD. It turned out with no problem and really worth it.

 One of the surprise on the full moon, extreme low tide at 7am. We found hundreds of people digging in Pacific Beach.
 It happened to be their razor clam season (only 2 days permitted, and limited to 15 clam per person). Next season could be months away.
 Very brave men, going to the moon. No, they're going kite boarding in one of the most windy and cold water area - Ocean Shores. They had wet suit under dry suit. First time I saw an Indian kite boarding.

Last town of the trip - Olympia, capital of Washington. Only spent less than a day there, but we can tell; it can easily be on the top of the "best town to live" list. This is their farmer's market logo. Yes, the flying pig.

1 comment:

  1. My trip to the park was too short and the weather was a bit nasty--heavy rain plus heavy cloud:( Still look forward to going back but will need to check the particular weather condition of "the slopes and tops of the mountains" before taking off. -hy
