Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Secrets of Fire King

Finally, I finished "The Memory Keeper's Daugher". a very beautiful but heart wrenching story. Be forewarned, in my opinion, anyone who plan to have kids, or already have kids should think twice before start reading.

The story reminded me the following:
"Our actions and all our thoughts, flow like water, their springs buried deep in the mysteries of the past. Everything we do and every consequence is the force of old actions. Once you turn down these dark corridors, you don't know what you will find because you do not know where you've been."

However, Kim Edwards has another book, "The Secrets of Fire King", not a bestseller, but a collection of well crafted short stories. I'm amazed by her ability to deeply understand people and their deepest thought from totally different culture, background and era. From trapeze artist, cleaning lady of Marie Curie's, Korean new immigrant after the war , Malaysian rubber tapper to new age marine biologists...... and more. Her tales read like the work of a wise traveler who returns home with exotic souvenirs from other lands.


  1. But I think, people who planned or being a parent should read "The memory keeper daughter" ... they will be inspired and learn something there.

  2. The reasons I said people should think twice is I wonder maybe some people cannot handle the emotional power of the writing.

    It's kind of like water and fire, which can build or destroy, depends on how do you use it and do you have enough strength to handle it.

    Maybe I worry too much.

  3. MAY:

