Monday, January 28, 2008


Talk about extreme violence ,brutality and emotional impact. Mel Gibson top my list. One the other hand, he also never fail to show us that, humanity hasn't change for thousands or hundreds of year (depends on you're watching "The Passion of the Christ" , "Braveheart" or "Apocalypto"). Here's a line from Apocalypto:
Old Story Teller: A Man sat alone, drenched deep in sadness. And all the animals drew near to him and said, "We do not like to see you so sad. Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it." The Man said, "I want to have good sight." The vulture replied, "You shall have mine." The Man said, "I want to be strong." The jaguar said, "You shall be strong like me." Then the Man said, "I long to know the secrets of the earth." The serpent replied, "I will show them to you." And so it went with all the animals. And when the Man had all the gifts that they could give, he left. Then the owl said to the other animals, "Now the Man knows much, he'll be able to do many things. Suddenly I am afraid." The deer said, "The Man has all that he needs. Now his sadness will stop." But the owl replied, "No. I saw a dark hole in the Man, deep like a hunger he will never fill. It is what makes him sad and what makes him want. He will go on taking and taking, until one day mother earth will say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give.'

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