Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Toughest Race

Every sailor, no matter how young or old at some point in their life, will read/ dream about the former "Whitbread Round the World Race", now the "Volvo Ocean Race". People like me who can not stand huge waves, frozen ocean, extreme sleep deprivation and have no physical endurance whatsoever, can only fantasize over the concept of racing around the world. 

I was invited to a 3 days Team Racing ISAF Umpire Clinic run by the Volvo Ocean Race Academy during their stop in Miami. The clinic has nothing to do with the teams of 70 ft. seagoing sloops. In fact, it has nothing to do with the ocean race. It has something to do with the top 8 teams of smallest but fastest turning boat with young sailor age below 14.

For me, it was an intense learning experience. Learning new language (and non-stop talking), new angle to look at different situations between boats, focus on the present, make instant decision and communicate with the other umpire on the boat. I found making instant decision the toughest.

And I like this new phrase I just learned,"Incident Closed", which means whatever just happened, is passed. Let's focus on the next incident.

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