Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Birthday and Smile On

Last night, we went to see Lang Lang play with the Philadelphia Orchestra celebrating the 200th Birthday of Franz Liszt, LIVE to the local theater. In the first hour, Fathom and Sony try to occupy us with Lang's Solo concert recorded from London's Roundhouse earlier this year. Right from the beginning, I kept thinking about, what would Franz think if he is watching this....... I think he will first be very surprise a Chinese kid playing his work, and becoming a piano hero around the world. Then he will get sea sick very soon because of the psychedelic background projections, swing around spot light and the worst - camera angle changing every 3 seconds. However, I hope Franz will woke up to hear the Orchestra playing his first Piano Concerto and the way the rest of the world inspired by it and .... smile on.

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