A new KILN imagined, sketched, calculated.
Wood measured, cut and joined.
Brick stacked and skin coated.
Built by a group for one and/or themself.
It seems very much like a BOAT or a PIANO.
A big piece of functional sculpture.
The intention of the craft is the same;
to build an instrument that offers service, and journey, and escape.
The act of firing a wood kiln seems to relate to sailing and to music too - a voyage conducted by wind (very hot wind in this case), with slow, stately passages, or the gusty allegros.
Each journey has it's distinct tempo,
Listen carefully and it will bring you closer to your destination.
(Partly borrowed from "Playing Piano for Pleasure" - Charles Cooke)
No, it's not my kiln, but I'm very glad to be part of the group.
Some part of the group eyeing my lunch.