Sunday, July 10, 2011

TdA Day 11

Yellowstone Park 2nd round.
We started early, and went clockwise.
The park was quieter on the east side and there were more wild animals and wild flowers.
Along the Yellowstone river, witness how water can change, one moment clam and smooth, the next moment surge and destructive.
Unlike yesterday, Old Faithful erupted while we drove near by, took us by surprise.
Just a few miles before exiting, the moment we thought we will have apple pie and milkshake at tea time outside the park, a park ranger stop us and told us an RV went off road, tow trucks try to pull it back up, and the road will be close for at least 45 minutes.
Bill pulled out his trike, rode up and down the road, while waiting.
I pulled out my camera, went down to the river,while waiting.
And of course 45 minutes turned into 90 minutes, and miles of traffic.
At least, it make a special ending to the visit.
Here is the link for the Yellowstone album:

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