Saturday, May 29, 2010

Soda fire with Ellen

Both Ellen and I adore porcelain soda fired works. We are attracted by its subtle, quiet quality of depth and beauty. At the same time, the deposit of soda and directional flashing is kind of like kiss by angel; unpredictable and unrepeatable.
This is our first test firing. We had mixed 5 different kind of slips and half dozen glazes. Most recipes from Gail Nichol's book and Sam Chung's handout. Loaded very loosely.
Instead of spraying soda solution, Justin taught us how to mix 50/50 soda ash with baking soda into soda paste.
Ellen putting 10 lbs of soda paste in around 2300F. Then the kiln is reduced cooling (fire down) to about 1800F before shut down. And it will be opened in 3 days. Stay tune.

1 comment:

  1. May, looking forward to the results. I am firing this weekend with Justin! I am using my clay body--Half procelain and half stoneware--we shall see!!
