Monday, March 22, 2010


I got 2 hours of sleep after the firing night shift, before headed out to the Red Cross Ocean to Lake ride on Sunday morning. It was not the longest, but surely is the toughest ride. Gusty head wind no matter what direction I was headed. Then in the middle of the ride, in the middle of no where, came two dogs want to eat me, chase me, or just play with me, I don't really know. But I felt like if I don't pedal with all my mighty power, they would let me know. It might be only 15 secs, but it felt like 5 mins of Alpine down hill. I remember started thinking ... only if I can out run my predators, and not crash into a tree, or fall into a ditch, or get run over by a car (since I'm on the wrong side of the road now), I will ... HOLD ON, am I dreaming here?? ... now ... this seems too ridiculous. Here comes the yellow one again ... .... ......... ............
OK, I survived that and a few more unreal scenery, like crossing under I-95, and US-1 6 lanes traffic all alone. I decided to take a short cut back home, went to bed, slept the rest of the day and night, had loads of weird dreams.


  1. Funny how a shortage of sleep and stress will kick up the activity of you dreams. I have been having a very 'active' dream cycle the last few days, as I get closer and closer to the dreaded...pooper scope at the hospital on Thursday.

    Glad you survived the ride...hope to see you in Okeechobee on Saturday for the LOST ride.

    Tom Timmons

  2. Tom, Good luck with the H. Maybe if you can relax and think it's just a bad dream, it will be over sooner.
