Monday, December 7, 2009

Why you're doing what you're doing

Went to a "free lunch and learn session" in Trike shoppe this Sunday. Learned why and how Ian Sims is doing what he is doing. Ian is Greenspeed's founder from Australia. Greenspeed is the leader in the recumbent trike market. From the presentation, you can tell Ian just loves what he's doing. Since he was young, he has been making/ inventing different kind of automobile, side-car, bi/tricycle....... He enjoys technical challenges (it's amazing how much advanced physics is involved in wheels, steering, aerodynamic, structure, even in a little tricycle) and the development of his company.

On the other hand, we also learned about why Trike shoppe owners is doing what they're doing. Do you remembered a story about a blind and a cripple helping each other out? Now, just put them on the tandem trike, of course, the one with good eyes in front, the one with good legs in the back. What a team! They also wish they can help other people with or without disability to have fun, get fit, and more important, find freedom.
After test ride the gt3, Ian recommended a small x3, even they don't have one in stock. So, it will be in my wish list. Someday, I want to cycle around the Island of Ice and Fire down south. It will take weeks if not months, much better to have a real seat than a little saddle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks the ingenuity of people like Ian Sims, we at Trike Shoppe, LLC have the ability to allow virtually everyone to stay fit, have fun and enjoy freedom on a recumbent trike. More importantly, we promote the reintegration of disabled people into mainstream society. Our goal is to take the "DIS" out of disability. To learn more, visit us on
