Thursday, October 29, 2009

Riding on razor's edge

I've been following the development of the Moth class ever since I got my Europe Dinghy 15 years ago, which is a derivative from the class. This summer the class has created a defining moment in the history of sailing. A small group of sailors are no longer just sailing, they are also flying or foiling. They ride the foil with the boat hull above water. Few years ago, only a few superman can barely control the beast. Today, some can even tack without coming off the foils. I imagine it maybe like skating backward in top speed, jump over a high fence and change direction all at the same time without losing a heart beat. According to this month's Sailing World, all of the techniques are only possible with relentless practice (hours on the water everyday). Instincts, reactions, and muscle memory are required to the point the sailor isn't thinking about every change in conditions, freeing his attention to concentrate on tactics. Like Tai Chi; looking at nothing, seeing everything and do as little as possible.

Also, it's best to ride as high as possible without the foil coming out of water. Height means less drag from the foils and a more efficient rig. If it get too high, it crash down. The sensations of flying above the water, of lightness, of pure efficiency, are unmatched anywhere else in the sport (in any sport, I would say, even I've not try it myself).

There is a saying "Path to salvation is narrow and difficult to walk on as a razor's edge." Live here and now. Prevent oneself from dragging through life between future expectation and past disappointment. Maybe without those frictions, one can attend enlightenment and truly be flying.

New toy from Shenzhen

It arrived a week after order, as Apple promised. Even it spent more time in transit from Shenzhen to Lantau Island and sat there, than from Lantau to Florida. Right, who said being able to track your shipment can reduce anxiety! I love the idea of engraving. Think how romantic it is; something cannot be wiped off without cutting away part of itself, like some memories.
I've to do some advertising for this 5th generation iPod, especially compared to my old hand down 2nd G U2 2005 edition. New Nano is 1/4 the size/ weight and last 4 times longer. It hurts my mind to think about how to cram a video camera, Fm radio, speaker, recorder and a bigger screen in such a small body. When I was young, such gadget only exist in Ngai Hong's sic fi. It's very hard to believe a company can do it so right, so fast, so good, still with a reasonable price tag. You name one!?!
OK! Downside. Every time you upgrade, you will find it no longer compatible with some of the old accessories. New Nano will sing with old dock but it won't charge! That's all right, I will keep my old Pod in my study with the old dock.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


媽的後院成了一個有機農場 入秋時大有收成

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Times with Jacob

Before CNC, I went up north to spend 3 weeks with my little boy friend J. He still loves trains and cars.
But, the new things are Lego Kranxx / Squidman and the space police.
We can play for hours of made up stories. WALL-E, EVE and all of the robot friends on Axiom often get into trouble. But, with the help of different aliens, space police and sometimes Batman or Thomas , they always manage to save the ship and return to earth.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Won a race

This is not a race, but I raced with the dark clouds all morning long.
Making record time to Kenansville's brand spanking new indoor stadium
20 minutes before it poured down rain.

Indoor camping

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In Dunn, but we are not done

I noticed the change of landscape, from steep mountain S curve roads
to rolling hills with soy beans one side & tobacco the other.

My kind of rest stop: Oreos, pb&j, fruit, Gatorade