Saturday, August 1, 2009

Meditation on the bike

Long ride gives my thought a lot of time to wonder, since there's no traffic, no turn, no decision needed to be made. I normally start with feeling my breath; too short? too hard? Then is my legs, it feel good to pedal fast, but is the gear too low? Then I remembered something I said the day before, and how I could have said it differently, and it might make a different or most probably not....... A old friend moved in a nursing home after her husband left us last week; I was thinking about my last visit, her almost 60 years marriage....... Yes, it is going to be the 60th year for PRC in a couple of months. It's some articles on the news lately. BTW, what's "inciting subversion of the state" really mean? or it's just a new term for "counter-revolutionary" or anyone who dared to challenge? 60 years is a big circle in the chinese calendar and a long time for no change....... I could feel my breath become harder...... my legs trying to keep up with the pace mindlessly. But, there is still miles to go......

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