Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mango Thief

This summer, our mango tree bore more mango than we could imagine. Even more than half dropped off before they ripe, there were still a lot to expect. However, we only had 4 good ones so far. The story goes like this; you noticed an almost ripe one and thought maybe a few more days on the tree. The next morning, you noticed that one was gone, and there was a clean seed on the ground. Sometimes the little thief got really impatient ; he will take a bite into the green one and leave it to you. Although I haven't seen him in action, I can imagine how happy he was.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Trying a lot of new ideas lately. At the same time, failed some.
These clay doesn't like to be joined late in the game, but I'm new and too slow in the wood carving.
Too much tension on the back, put the seam open.
Same here. One out of 10. We will see what happen after bisque fire. 
Smashed 3 big plates even before photo opportunity, because of s-crack, c-crack, straight crack, you name it. Time to re-group, re- think, and try again.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

More love stories

It's not the first time, and wouldn't be the last, that once I heard the songs of some movie's soundtrack and decided right away, I have to watch the movie. It's a coincidence that two movies in a row are about "Love in the time of cholera". In fact, their tag lines are somewhat interchangeable: "How long would you wait for love?" and "Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two persons" So, how long you're willing to walk during dangerous, tough time. Last French song in "The painted veil" is the most simple and touching. I read on the net that TVB used it as a theme song for mother's day (I haven't seen it myself). As the lyric says; At the clear fountain.......So long I've been loving you, I will never forget you.......I lost my beloved...... I wanted the rose to be still on the bush, And my beloved. To be still loving me. 
For all the mothers, who lost their beloved.