Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Make much of little

'Aside from love, few activities seem to promise us as much happiness as going traveling.' Alain De Botton said in his lovely little book; The Art of Travel. We are loaded with advice on where to travel to, but hear little of why and how we should go. The questions are neither simple nor trivial, even most people don't think about it. And the answers will help in the search of happiness.

'The sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room.' --- Pascal. So, after a few chapters of the anticipation of departure, curiosity as motives, feeling on sublime landscape and make art as a way to possess beauty, Alain talks about idea of 'Journey around bedroom'; a notion that the pleasure we derive from a journey may be dependent more on the mind-set we travel with than on the destination we travel to. If only we could apply a traveling mind-set to our own locales, we might find these places becoming no less interesting than thousand miles away.

"Mirrormask" a super low budget, wired dream like fantasy, blend of live and animation film reminded me just that. Totally amazed with how much the film maker can achieve with how little. On the other hand, how much pleasure I derive from a simple movie. Fat, you will like this one --- off beat dark humor. ;>

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