Monday, October 13, 2008


The wind is perfect, the waves not too big, sail fast, but safe distance from the sand bar, everything is under control. At least that is what I thought the moment before. BANG! The board stops dead, but I keep going. It's something about physics, I was taught :). The problem is I'm still attached to the boom and the board. So, instead of free flying off, my head smashed into the mast and my knee swung anatomy the wrong way. OK, it's not fatal in this case, but it hurts. The worst thing is, it stays in the back of my mind. It was a net, caught the fin of my board. It reminds me one of National Geographic photo. A dead wild dolphin, since caught in an abandoned fishing net in the middle of the ocean. It gives me goose bump every time I think about it. There's no safe place on earth.

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