Monday, July 28, 2008


I sail mostly in small bay or river on little dinghy or wind surfer through out my life. Come to big sea and ocean, I'm an armchair sailor. I enjoy pages after pages of how crazy sailors trying to break others record by sailing closer and closer to hell (which normally means farther south, iceberg and gale force wind). Just happened to pick up "Maiden voyage" by Tania Aebi, not about any race, but a poorly prepared, inexperienced young girl went around alone, because of her father's challenge. Along the 30 months quest, she found a lot of friends, first love and herself. That was 20 years ago. " What happened to her now?" I asked after I finished the book. Few days later, I read her article in "Cruising world" about she taking her two teenage sons retrace her route. Interesting how life goes around and not necessary about going somewhere in a hurry.

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