Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mud pie dilemma

Recycle porcelain or not. For me, it takes a lot of effort (to break it down into small enough pieces, wet and blend thoroughly). Plus long time passive concentration over a few days to have them dry (like watching water boiling, the catch is if you don't catch it right at the beginning, the process got to start all over again.) Another down side is, recycled porcelain loses it's plasticity. It takes some aging to get it back. So, why all these inconvenience. Firstly, making pots is not a convenience activity to begin with. Secondly, I think about ancient Chinese potters have been so proud of their translucent porcelain (kaolin) for hundreds of years before the German rediscovered the method of compounding and firing it, how can I just throw it away. Thirdly, we might ran out of kaolin one day, just like coal or fossil fuel. Should we leave some for generations come after us?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Intelligent one

Scientist always have to compete for research resource. Here's the reason one gave on the auction night, why we should spend our money on communication with dolphin, rather than sending more man to the space or trying to find life on Mars. He believe the chance for us to find someone way smarter than human being in space is very slim. Since, they will find us first, or they will not let us find them. Our best chance on Mars maybe some bacteria. So, why not trying our best to talk to some intelligent one on earth. Here's a list I would like to suggest (since not everyone has the chance to play with dolphin everyday). Crow is so smart, sometimes they do thing totally because they're bored with their life. Like a great mind stuck inside a confined body. Octopus is amazing. Marine biologist can tell you, they're the first invertebrate would play with them, steal fish from next tank, and cover their track in lab. My sister dosen't eat octopus. She said they might be alien. I can easily believe that. Of course, some dogs are better learner than the others, but most are more than willing to communicate with human. If everything fail, try your partner. ;->

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Close encounter of the third kind

In fact, "type F" according to wikipedai: the subject experiences some kind of "intelligent communication". It was last thursday around 2PM, 18 knots of wind and I was on a 5 (meter sq.sail). There were 4 fins going up and down close by in the shallows of the spoil islands. I sailed closer, there were mother & calf, a big darker one and one follow behind. For a while, I worried they might get trapped in the shallows (which is half mile in each directions). Slowly, I sensed that they're just having a nice sunny day outing. No need to worry. It's the first time they stayed so close for so long.
Then came the gallery opening (every 1st thursday evening for most galleries in The Treasure Coast and WPB), Steve (Second captain of Stenella, the research vessel) asked whether I would like to donate a piece of work to the "The Wild Dolphin Project". I said Yes!...... you don't know, but I just talked to them today.