Sunday, March 9, 2008

The end of the 8 months journey

Remember last summer on Vancouver Island, 14 potters got together to begin their 8 months creative journey. We all shared our visions and the paths that might take us there. Thanks for modern technology, we also have a wikispaces site to keep track of our progress and more importantly, our laughs and cries along the path. Unfortunately, one member left us and the earth involuntarily. Three couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't walk to the end for various reasons.

Next week, 10 will gather and have a show in Sandwich near Chicago. And Yes, only crazy Floridan will go to Chicago in the middle of march. However, considering how often you will have a chance with a group of same minded people committed to walk along with you. Anyway, big pots are double boxed and shipped, studio is cleaned, luggage are packed and I'm ready to begin a journey to end one.

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