Monday, October 29, 2007

Inner conversation

Whenever I bent over tonight, salt water drips out from my nose, which keeps reminding me the few hours of gusty windsurfing on the river and the conversation along. Right after launch, I knew I've too big a sail for these kind of wind. But, my pride told myself "Let's go for a round, then come back for the change." In the middle of the river, wind picked up another few knots (force is proportion to square of it's velocity), which turn the whole situation to survival mode. So, the conversations went on:
- Let's keep going till you get to the other side!
- I should never come out with this sail in the first place!?! Now you want me to go further.
- The last thing you want is get stuck in the middle of the channel.
- If I can get back this time, I will not come out again today.
- It sound very much like some gamblers or lovers; If I can win this one, or if I can see him one more time....
- Yes, but I thought I can handle this.....See!!!! wind clam down a bit. Let's go back.
- O yes. Now you can manage it. Then you don't need to go back. Otherwise, what's the point of being a sailor? "Go big or go home" girl!!!
- Right, maybe I should try another round.......
- That's how you get better and better.
- Ahhhh, it pick up again!! I should've known better. Ooooo, my hands hurts....
- Stop complaining, just focus and get through the waves.

it goes on and on......... I guess it will never stop.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Inspiring Dream

I dreamed about there's a new policy in the HK airport. You need your ID card to claim your luggage. But, I left my ID card inside the luggage....... which leads to some interesting thought.

Without the first axe, how do you chop down hardwood to make the axe handle?
Without the first kiln, how do you fire the brick to make the kiln?
Without Safari, how do you download/ up-grade Safari?
Without the first accelerated neutron, how is the chain reaction started?


Sunday, October 14, 2007


Way before stepped on both sides of the prime meridian in Greenwich, I had watched the movie "Longitude", about John Harrison's forty-year task to invent a system for determining longitude at sea with a nautical timepiece. Meanwhile, 200 years in the future, naval officer Rupert Gould discovers Harrison's neglected chronometers and sets out to restore them. 3 and a half hours of passion, determination, and discovery half based on the novel by Dava Sobel. It's another rare case that, the movie is more intriguing than the book. I hope science teacher will have a chance to show this kind of movie to students. Here's one of the comment online: One of the most fantastic teaching movies I have seen. I show this video to my Oceanography students at school. I love the back and forth movement between present and past, as the struggle to duplicate Harrison's work is mirrored in the struggle to create an instrument that would revolutionize ocean travel. I think nothing motivate the young more than the possibility of one's ability to change the world. Before Harrison's invention, sailors lost their lifes everyday because no one really knew where one really was in the open sea.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Windows of my soul

It might look creepy, but it's healthy as the eye doctor said.


Monday, October 8, 2007

The Fountain

Have you ever decided you're going to be deeply moved by a movie even months before you watch it? That's my experience with "the fountain". It's simply one of the most heart breakingly beautiful and intriguing movie I've seen. Be forewarned, You either totally love or hate Darren Aronofsky's work.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New owner

Since he got an iPhone, I naturally inherited the old iPod. MP3 player is something new to me. Once I plugged it in my Mac, it told me this little thing can only syn with one iTune library. Do I really want to erase all the old memory? What a lovely loyal little toy, only serve one owner at a time.
