Monday, September 3, 2007

Genghis Blues

In search of jazz music in the library, I stumbled onto this rare and wonderful find. A documentary film about a blind blues musician, Paul Pena (Ca, USA) heard something intensely beautiful coming from his short wave radio (station from Russia), and how he ended up traveling to the other side of the earth to explore and find answer to the mystifying obsession. The story tells you about how this seemingly impossible form of Tuvan throat-singing (multiple vocal tones simultaneously, to me it sound like a few Australian Aborigine's didgeridoos playing at the same time.) inspired Paul. No matter you like those kind of singing or not, you will probably deeply moved by the story of a man whose struggle in life is not defined by conformity and rules but by curiosity, and love of music. Although, Tuva is in the extreme south of Siberia, most people live there are Mongolian, descendants of Genghis Khan.

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