Friday, September 28, 2007

Eat. Drink. And be married under the full moon.

Just got back from a perfect trip in Europe. Blue sky the whole time, even in London. Dear old friends. Driving up and down Tuscan countryside in a little Lancia. Staying in vineyards farmhouse, belly laugh well past bed time. Visiting historic hill towns, tasting gelato.
Eat. Drink. And be married under the full moon.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

PB and I

PB and I have an interesting relationship. Sometimes, he will disappear for days and then show up in front of the door all dirty. Today, he stayed for a long while, enjoyed a lot of cat pets and food before taking a long nap. He will use his ESP to tell me "Perhaps I will see you tomorrow, maybe not. I will come when I can, but I don't know. Because, I was born to chase butterfly and bird."

Monday, September 3, 2007

Genghis Blues

In search of jazz music in the library, I stumbled onto this rare and wonderful find. A documentary film about a blind blues musician, Paul Pena (Ca, USA) heard something intensely beautiful coming from his short wave radio (station from Russia), and how he ended up traveling to the other side of the earth to explore and find answer to the mystifying obsession. The story tells you about how this seemingly impossible form of Tuvan throat-singing (multiple vocal tones simultaneously, to me it sound like a few Australian Aborigine's didgeridoos playing at the same time.) inspired Paul. No matter you like those kind of singing or not, you will probably deeply moved by the story of a man whose struggle in life is not defined by conformity and rules but by curiosity, and love of music. Although, Tuva is in the extreme south of Siberia, most people live there are Mongolian, descendants of Genghis Khan.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Zen & Potter

MASAKAZU KUSAKABE----Zen & Potter 10 Steps  
Steps for the Zen
1. You decide to look for your favourite cow that is out in your fields. You learn tracking techniques to look for your favourite cow.
2. You search the fields and find the cow's footprints. You know the cow is nearby.
3. You look around the area see your favourite cow in the distance.
4. You are able to catch your cow but the cow is wild from living in the fields.
5. You spend time with your favourite cow and train it so that it will obey your commands.
6. You ride your tamed cow back home from the field. You are two beings who have become one and understand each other. There is a strong bond between you.
7. You release your cow from his halter. You busy yourself with other chores but the cow stays close to you and the farmhouse.
8. The cow stays near the farmhouse but understands freedom again and does not follow you in body or thought.
9. You and the cow now think individually and are both free of your bonds to each other. You interact very naturally and live as equals with one another.
10. You become everything and nothing.

Steps for the Potter
1. You realize that ceramic objects are enjoyable.
2. You begin to study ceramic shapes, history and uses.
3. You decide that you want to add ceramics to your life, maybe as a hobby or by becoming an apprentice.
4. You become a craftsman. You have knowledge of clay, forming, glazing, firing and kiln construction. You are capable of producing pottery.
5. You know how to use ceramics to live life more beautifully. You strive for beauty and grace in your work and share this with others.
6. Ceramics becomes your life. You need to express your ideas, thoughts and messages through ceramic art. You display these thoughts and messages through ceramic exhibits and shows.
7. Ceramics has now led to an interest in other areas such as gardening, cooking, painting, music and history. The pursuit of all knowledge becomes equal and ceramics no longer holds centre stage.
8. You loose your connection to ceramics and submerge yourself in the natural would, trying to live serenely and peacefully with the plants and animals around you.
9. You become part of the natural world and know that you are equal with all other living things. You loose your individuality and like the rabbit that feeds the hungry hawk, you would also give your life for another creature.
10. You become nothing and everything.