Thursday, July 7, 2011

TdA Day 8

We planned to do the Minnesota Valley State Trail starting in Shakopee, but found out it was flooded out.
All of the state park and rest stop along the highway are also closed due to the state budget impasse, government shutdown.
So, we went on up to the upper St. Croix River to visit a great potter, Linda Christianson. I never meet her before. But, she is very excited to see us once she saw bikes inside the mini van. Within minutes, we were exchanging stories of crazy things we do. I was trying out her kick wheel and she was trying out my bicycle. She pulled out the map and show us the near by and far away nice routes to go. She is part of the reason why we're here in Bemidji tonight. I felt so lucky to get to know such a creative, generous, wonderful person.
On the other hand, we're not as lucky with the visit with Jeff Oestreich's studio in his Pottery lane. We missed him by 15 seconds.

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