Monday, August 4, 2008

Desert III - "No Land" Land

Imagine that, the sun is getting low, you've been break neck flying for the whole afternoon, traveling at great speed and covering huge distance. Every inch of your muscles ache to the bone, all brain cells orchestrate reasons to land. But, your soul is in Nirvana.

All of a sudden, after 180 miles of desert flat land, there's a great canyon right in front. All you can see is amazingly beautiful, but dangerous " NO Landing Zone" land. Even though you might get really lucky with a landing, there's no road out.

Here comes the struggle every man in history has experienced before. Do I take the leap of faith? Committed to the destiny, even I cannot see the other side, even there's no return? or you will take a rest on this side of the canyon, and call it your destination.