Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How artists beat neuroscientists in their game?

For a while, I was daydreaming if I've the chance to go back to school, neuroscience is what I wanted to study. Human mind always intrigues me.

Jonah Lehrer argues in his book, science is not the only path to knowledge. In fact, when it comes to understanding the brain, art got there first. Lehrer shows how each of the eight artists in his book discovered an essential truth about the mind that science is only now rediscovering, century later. For example, Proust first revealed the fallibility of memory; our remembrance of the past is imperfect. We bend the facts to suit our story, as "our intelligence reworks the experience". "The only paradise is paradise lost." The sad thing is we have to misremember in order to keep remember. As neuroscientist can tell you today, when it come to memory, our brain work like a copy machine. But, the problem is, every time we remember something, we lost the original and replace it with the copy with noise and lost.

BTW, did I tell you about my daydream? Come to think about it Art school may not be a bad thing after all. ;>

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