Thursday, April 18, 2013

Too early for spring - Innsbruck

April would have been perfect spring time to visit Innsbruck if global weather hadn't been delayed for a month. When I stepped out of the propeller plane, the air was as crisp as clear crystal. The airport is surrounded by tall mountains on three sides, just like Heidi's mountains. Elisabeth (the organizer of World Wide West project) came to pick us up with her little stick shift. If Tyrolean Airways hadn't lost Bill's snowboard bag, it would have had to ride on the roof of the little car. 
The first mission of the trip was to set up a show in the Hofburg Museum. It was a group show consisted of 6 American and 6 local artists. The white building is Hofburg with Lily in the foreground and Nordketten in the backdrop. 
This Nordketten was taken across town on the south side slope, minutes from the Olympic ski jump stadium.
Inside Hofburg, upstairs from our show.
One of my works found a good home with all these Saints, which is the current project of Reiner - a local respectable artist / teacher. Another piece was sold to Hofburg Museum's director.
 Reiner generously showed me his beautiful home/studio up on the hill, and collection of old objects found in Spain when walking the wide field waiting for his watercolor to dry.
Second mission there was teaching some kids how to play with clay. Most kids seem to understand most of my English, it was one teacher sometimes doesn't get it. I believe we all had a great time.
 Our organizer gave us a 24 hrs Innsbruck Card and extra entry tickets to almost all museums and zoo, since it's no way you can do all of them in a day.
The Folkart museums impressed me the most.
The crystal giant need some spring face lift.
 Spring finally came the day before we left.