Monday, March 4, 2013

Memory lost and Insomnia

When your friend choose to contact your secretary in order to text message or send photo to you, you know it's time to upgrade your communication device, even it's in perfectly good condition. I don't know how long Johnathan has been working for AT&T, but he was all fired up when he saw my pink Razor. He showed it to his other colleagues as if it was an oddity. They all chuckled.  In fact, my new phone is also a birthday gift for hubby, to relieve him from his long time secretarial duties.

By now, I should have understood one thing: Revolution - lost and gain; it always involve more than one system. In order for my MacBook Pro to use iCloud and synch with the new phone, it also need to be upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mountain Loin. Save you all from all the details of the long conversations with Apple Care and such, the end result is I lost a thousand emails during upgrade and now the computer will not go to sleep by closing the lid (with external monitor connected), but I can send iMessage for free with WiFi with my new phone. 

Just like any other revolution, once it's done, lives are lost, time is past, like it or not, there is no turning back.

P.S. More casualty - Power PC applications are no longer supported, which means I just lost Adobe Photoshop CS and Microsoft Excel.