Friday, June 29, 2012

End of a beginning

At some points in life, you just know it's an end of a beginning. Like at a point, one chose to get marry after ten years of dating the same person, or one started to pursuit a PhD in biochemistry after eighteen years of education, or one dared to become a concert pianist after ten thousand hours of practice. For me, I decided to build a kiln this summer after twenty something years of playing with clay. Also taking the chance to renovate the studio.
A very handsome, affordable, stand alone working sink from IKEA after hours and hours of looking. (No, they didn't have it in Sunrise, so we had to go get it from Orlando.) Since, it's a new location for the sink, there are some very innovative pipings behind the wall.
 I love stripping ugly wallpaper, and repaint the wall. Then maybe cover it again with images......
A new back door (that red takes 3 coats) ; direct access  to the kiln area.
 Foundation of the chimney. First time, 做紮鐵; reinforcement fixing . See the little tool in my right hand, it took me a while to understand how it dances. Don't hold on too tight,  just twist with the flow. 
Kathy suggested to put a luck charm in the foundation. Here's a fish I made when I first started with clay in high school. It is heading east, if you wonder. And yes, this is an after thought  (after tool cleaning ) posted photo. As concrete setting, propane tank and piping permit is in the process. Once permit in hand, we will order bricks to start the kiln construction.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

雷霆雨露 莫非天恩

 暴雨連埸, 家中種的各種忽然又長了幾吋。鄰居們都說種得太密, 但總是捨不得拔掉些, 而且它們的根大概已經纏繞難分。 密得像小樹林, 是好看, 但可能不會有好收成。
 昨天發現這小肥蟲, 好好的番茄給吃得七零八落。 當然知道不用農藥, 自然就會有蟲來吃 (那些有機防蟲方, 都不太有效。), 但總痴想它們不會吃太多。
看翠翠吃得忘形, 心軟, 也任得它罷。 小時已這麼迷人,  化成蝶身, 一定不得了。 換個背景, 再影一張。
這幾天聽到李旺陽的事, 鬱鬱屈屈, 無法釋懷。《山海經》中有一凶獸 - 窮奇, 牠往往會把忠信之士吃掉;遇到奸邪之輩,牠就會獵取野獸向他進奉。是一頭善惡觀念完全顛倒的惡獸。
如今 窮奇當道, 莫非國運之天數而已, 又莫非天恩另有安排。

這跟花園有什麼關係, 一點也沒有。只是夏日亂想, 發風。