Sunday, February 6, 2011


放下心頭七佰碗 輕裝南遊冰火國
七佰碗 seven hundred bowls

For the last few months, there were several hundred pounds of clay in my mind all the time.
Thanks to a handful of local potters, who spent hours after hours, weekends after weekends in front of the wheel.
Thanks to over a hundred artists who volunteer their talent and passion.
Thanks for everyone who make these possible.
We together, make this year Empty Bowls Project a new record. I feel like lighten by several hundred pounds. Please come get a bowl and soup if you will be in town.

冰火國 Continents of ice and fire

On the other hand, it doesn't seem that long ago (last April) when I sat in front of the computer, planning for the up coming trip (this Friday). I can still remember arguing with a travel agent that there is an inexpensive direct flight from Miami to Buenos Aires by LAN. Yes, that's the Pandora's box of Internet for traveling. So, I end up becoming the travel agent for my group of 3. This will be my first trip to Argentina, Antarctica and Brazil. When I first read about advice for Carnival in Rio, I didn't believe you really have to book hotel a year in advance. Now, I do. I also couldn't believe Brazil charge American $140 for it's visa, but HK passport holder don't need visa. I still have a hard time to believe AA had cancelled our flight home, and wanted to send us to New York. Seems that the only constant is CHANGE.
OK, the last challenge before take off is how to pack light for the ice and fire.