Sunday, July 4, 2010


Here's a few shoots of the last soda fire in the end of May.
I chose to use a long lens to focus on the color and texture of the surface, instead of the form.
If you click on the image, it will give you a fairly large image and nice details.
When sodium carbonate interact with the slip on top of porcelain.
The interviewee on the radio said: .... heat up strontium and copper together, it gives turquoise color......
Yes, I know that. Is he a potter? It turn out he's a different kind of alchemist. Someone who is passionate about color, even it only last for a few second in his case.
Still don't know!? Look up to the sky tonight, when everyone go : ooohs and ahhhs!!!
The same sound you hear in some art shows.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


早前老友送來這<平靜的起點>。 看著蒼翠的山, 柔柔的水, 這裡的人與事, sailor不禁感動不已。