Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Love Story

One of the story moves me deeply recently. Every line, I can imagine the parallel between two lovers. How the pianist obsess about finding the prefect piano , which he can really play in his way. A three legs with translucent sound, clarity of every register and extra light action. It's almost like someone says " I just want to find someone who can read my mind, multitalented, sensitive and has a pure heart. Finally, he found her in his mid-life. In fact, he remembered meeting her when he was a child. Love at first touch. But, there was a lot of works needed to be done to bring her health back. Since, she was old and has been neglected for years. Here's where the blind tuner came in to help. We know it's not going to be a happily ever after. She got accidentally drop and seriously damaged during transit, after a decade of very happy and productive life together. He was totally lost and heart broken, knowing she might not recover, or even she did, she wouldn't be HER again. He wouldn't let go of his prefect mate. For another decade he tried everything to bring her soul back from the gate of hell. In his last recording, he gave her up for someone much younger, beautiful and foreign - a Yamaha. He die weeks after the record was released. I think deep down he knew, he will never be able to find another one.
BTW, her name is Steinway Model D, CD 318 to be exact.
His name is Glenn Gould, my great piano hero.
The book is "A Romance on three legs"

Sunday, May 24, 2009


君子之交 其淡如水
執象而求 咫尺千里
問余何適 廓爾忘言
華枝春滿 天心月圓

Friday, May 22, 2009

High Water

Inspired by Ah Leon's work, see pic. and Walter's great found in Taiwan, I'm set to make some tofu tray. Since I mostly work with porcelain, the tofu shouldn't be a problem, but I needed to do some research on red stoneware.  Something has the right color/ firing range cone 4-6, absorption rate like Yixing teapot 'purple sand' ~4%, no grog but be able to hold 12" x 12'"x 1/2" without warp. So far, I found HighWater Clay's red stone comes close, but still too red/not brown enough. It would be nice to have the natural clay color instead of doing an iron wash. Please let me know if anyone out there know something else to try.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Low water

My first solo exploration of the Loxahachee. Water is low but clear. Cypress forest smell fresh in the morning. Still have to portage more than I like to. What's in the back of my mind; tick tick tick ............  Captain Hook biggest fear lives here.