Saturday, February 28, 2009

My little boyfriend came to visit

His first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean, it must be overwhelming. Jacob decided to hide his transformer under the sand and let us play search team.
Nap time.
First time kayaking with his Dad.
I would rather play sand castle.
We had a small hide out beach all for ourselves on the river side 2 days in a row. Prefect weather and companies.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

木蘭花慢 《天問》

Sorry, 上個 post 忘了。 For your reference.

可憐今夕月 向何處 去悠悠?
是別有人間 那邊才見 光影東頭?
是天外 空汗漫 但長風 浩浩送中秋?
飛鏡無根誰繫 姮娥不嫁誰留?

謂經海底問無由 恍惚使人愁
怕萬里長鯨 縱橫觸破 玉殿瓊樓?
蝦蟆故堪浴水 問云何 玉兔解沉浮?
若道都齊無恙 云何漸漸如鉤?



元宵月落,令我想起 辛棄疾 的木蘭花慢。
寫迎月的人多, 寫送月的人少。
看到月亮,想起家仇國恨 兒女私情 生老病死 的多,
想到天文物理 尋根問底 的更少。
辛兄又怎可能知道 “那邊還有一個人間“,更竟能有引力的概念?
最絕的還是,他一一反諷當時的流行說法,什麼嫦娥 瓊樓 玉兔,他都不相信。


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Normally, I don't photoshop my photos, but this one does add some interest.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Join the circus

What happens when a few crazy guys get together on the beach with all of their toys (RC glider, paraglider, hang glider, kiteboard kite ..... you name it.), and a bunch of audience (beach goers) . We have a circus; S.A.C. = Stuart Aeronautical Circus. I'm thinking next time we're going to put out a helmet to collect change. There's a abandoned Holiday Inn building, which created the perfect updraft for soaring when the wind direction is right. Of course, it takes a lot of skill and experience. Not for beginner like me. I'm just a junior member in the circus, sometimes being used as wind dummy.