Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day

Got home last night, totally exhausted. Found out the shower wasn't hot, and the 50 gallons water heater was leaking all over the place. Call the plumber this morning, he say maybe he can come today, maybe not. Still have a kiln to unload, pots to glaze, books to pick up, party to go to. We will see how the day pans out. Any how, happy new year to everyone reading this. Received an email from Annie this morning; Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches! If you've received this email from me, you're indeed my cheerful friends whom I cherish...)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day 3, no wind

After 2 days of good wind, there is very little left today. Only barely enough to run a race, and it's not fun. Even still, we have plenty of protest to keep us busy. Some are interesting, some are painful. I'm not use to this 12 hours work day and late night dinner. I'm longing to go home tomorrow to see my cat and have some good sleep in my own bed.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Orange bowl regatta again

I considered myself a beneficiary of the affirmative action in the United States. I'm truly honored to be invited back to this world class regatta, working with top sailors and excellent race management. Sometimes, being the ethnic minorities and female and inexperience is not a disadvantage. At last, now the organizer can say, one third of our 6 protest committee member are female,from 4 different ethnic group and with different level of judging experience. The economy is down, but the enrollment for the event is way up, for whatever reason. Could be the weak dollars? Could be sailor all around the world just love the warm gentle wind in Miami? We got perfect 12-17 knots east wind whole day long, ride on a very wet Boston Whaler for couple of hours, only 4 protests at the end. Another day in paradise!


This one is for Walter. Remember we talked about sign for "HOT Doughnuts" when they freshly come out of the assembly line, here you go! I even sampled a couple for you. They're like hot ice cream. Sorry that all the Krisy Kreme in HK went belly up, but they will come back someday. May even have hot sign too.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Little Kenji

Two brothers can be so different from day one. Little Kenji is like a little old wise men who knows everything about the universe. Kiyoshi cannot wait to find out everything about this world. I would love to see how their stories unfold. But, I know one thing for sure, there will be surprise.

Monday, December 1, 2008


It's the first snow here in Paducah, Kentuchy these winter. Also the first time little Kenji ventured out since he came home 2 weeks ago. He's so calm and sweet from the very first moment. For friends who don't know about little Kenji yet; he is Kiyoshi's little brother. Another miracle baby. In fact, with the Hasegawa family, I have a few miracle friendships and wonderful memories over the years. Now, with another new member, I expected more to come. Lily well done!