Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tree Tunnel Magic in Withlacoochee

 Yes, this is the famous Withlacoochee state trail, one of the BEST in Florida.  I read a few reviews before trying it out myself. I think it really lives up to it's 5 stars.
I also think tree tunnels has magical power, at least over me.  Withlacoochee (a very magical name) has over 20 miles (this is also a magic statistic, since you cannot count in magical place) of big and small tunnels, which take you to magical place. 
Magic act I
 Magic act II.

People in town of Inverness looks a little magical too.
Then we end up have dinner in this really magical place. Somehow, two people were filled by one starter (stuffed artichoke heart) and plenty of freshly gilled bread.
Outdoor dinning under some.......yes, magical tree!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Too early for spring - Innsbruck

April would have been perfect spring time to visit Innsbruck if global weather hadn't been delayed for a month. When I stepped out of the propeller plane, the air was as crisp as clear crystal. The airport is surrounded by tall mountains on three sides, just like Heidi's mountains. Elisabeth (the organizer of World Wide West project) came to pick us up with her little stick shift. If Tyrolean Airways hadn't lost Bill's snowboard bag, it would have had to ride on the roof of the little car. 
The first mission of the trip was to set up a show in the Hofburg Museum. It was a group show consisted of 6 American and 6 local artists. The white building is Hofburg with Lily in the foreground and Nordketten in the backdrop. 
This Nordketten was taken across town on the south side slope, minutes from the Olympic ski jump stadium.
Inside Hofburg, upstairs from our show.
One of my works found a good home with all these Saints, which is the current project of Reiner - a local respectable artist / teacher. Another piece was sold to Hofburg Museum's director.
 Reiner generously showed me his beautiful home/studio up on the hill, and collection of old objects found in Spain when walking the wide field waiting for his watercolor to dry.
Second mission there was teaching some kids how to play with clay. Most kids seem to understand most of my English, it was one teacher sometimes doesn't get it. I believe we all had a great time.
 Our organizer gave us a 24 hrs Innsbruck Card and extra entry tickets to almost all museums and zoo, since it's no way you can do all of them in a day.
The Folkart museums impressed me the most.
The crystal giant need some spring face lift.
 Spring finally came the day before we left.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Memory lost and Insomnia

When your friend choose to contact your secretary in order to text message or send photo to you, you know it's time to upgrade your communication device, even it's in perfectly good condition. I don't know how long Johnathan has been working for AT&T, but he was all fired up when he saw my pink Razor. He showed it to his other colleagues as if it was an oddity. They all chuckled.  In fact, my new phone is also a birthday gift for hubby, to relieve him from his long time secretarial duties.

By now, I should have understood one thing: Revolution - lost and gain; it always involve more than one system. In order for my MacBook Pro to use iCloud and synch with the new phone, it also need to be upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mountain Loin. Save you all from all the details of the long conversations with Apple Care and such, the end result is I lost a thousand emails during upgrade and now the computer will not go to sleep by closing the lid (with external monitor connected), but I can send iMessage for free with WiFi with my new phone. 

Just like any other revolution, once it's done, lives are lost, time is past, like it or not, there is no turning back.

P.S. More casualty - Power PC applications are no longer supported, which means I just lost Adobe Photoshop CS and Microsoft Excel.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Grand Kiln Opening Party Invitation (初八開爐)

You might have heard about our new kiln project (in our backyard) in the past few months. It's time for the first firing and of course - the Grand Opening. If you want to see my newly renovated clay studio and many Empty Bowls freshly out of the kiln, please come to join the party on next Sunday Feb. 17th, 11am

Come meet all the friends who helped along one way or the other and listen to stories about it. 

(We’re in Rocky Point, down east Cove road, passed the railroad, right after Peace church, 1st left, then 1st right)

BTW, Happy Chinese new year - lucky year of Snake

Posted by (SSA) Senior Studio Assistant - Panda