Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tour de America

Tour de France will start running this Saturday for most of July. Instead of sitting in front of a monitor watching, we decided to launch our own "Tour de America" tomorrow. The tour will take us from Florida to Vancouver and back, cover a distance of over 8,000 miles.

Distinctive aspects of this tour:
. it is not a race, we can wear yellow jersey everyday if we want to
. take as much rest days as we want
. motor vehicle assistance is not a shame, but a norm
. try to explore "Rails to Trails" along the way
. No fix route, no pre-determined daily start/ finish town, no crowd in the final podium, no final podium......

Our team manager Mr. P said he would like to call our team, Team Wild Thing (WIL).

Friday, June 17, 2011

PPP Porch Posts Project

After all the news of floods, tornados, wild-fires, earth quakes, tsunami and such. We decided to do something, before hurricane hit. Notice I didn't say "if". Here, you're looking at a 20 years old rotten cedar post in the porch and a new pressure treated one. Damage mostly done by water and insect.
Some teams work in silence, but not this one. Ned and Bill had such fun time, you can hear them hundreds feet away. Chatting, laughing, banging, hammering, and more laughing....
After 2 days, 3 daily inspections by our helpful neighbor Mike and Rusty the dog, 4 visits to Lowes, lumber yard, and Home depot, 5 posts and 6 trips to take all the tools back to the shop, the team can finally rest.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


如果蚱蜢舟再蚱蜢些, 我的白玉矮瓜就滅頂。