Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last regatta of the year

It was very cold in terms of Miami's sailing. I had everything I could put on but still got wet and frozen fingers (even I'm on a small power boat, not a sail boat). I have a lot of respect for all of our young sailors (over 600 of them), bearing the cold and strong breeze, and staying out for hours to finish race after race. The forecast says, it's going to warm up, however, the wind is going to die. Seems that we will get busy in the protest room.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas project

After years of careful planning (aka procrastination), we cleared out a small area in the front yard for this project - "Shade House for Orchid". There are some serious considerations for this kind of project, other than Fung Shui and construction designs. For example, how much resources will be needed after the completion (translation: how many more Orchids, how much money, time and effort to maintain) and willingness to go for permitting process. So far, the project has been under budget (less than $200), on schedule (2 days of work), with no major accident (except digging/breaking into a electric conduit). Other than the shelving and misting system, I just need warmer night temperature.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Notes on Cooking (or Potting)

Another wood kiln opening yesterday. Even it's in the cold rain, people were still very enthusiastic. It's like boxing day comes early. You never know what you will get until it's opened. I was reading a small book about Cooking. Don't confused it with a cook book, this one has no recipe, only principles which can extent to different disciplines.
Here's Page 8:The Cook's Role, I can see some of the parallel to the Potter's role. So, I think I should share with potters friends.
14. Work from your strength. Don't try to master everything. Become known for a few dishes (forms), perhaps even the near perfection of one. Discover your obsession, then make yourself a slave to it: the mastery of a traditional dish (form), the combination of ingredients (glazes and firings) that have never before met, precision in presentation, devotion to a culinary (ceramic) heritage, the introduction of color (surface, texture) where it never before existed…
15. Aim at mastery of craft, not at art. Know the basics. Repeat and practice, and the sublime will rise at rare, unexpected moments. Be open to capturing art when it comes, but craft is your highest daily priority.
16. Don't TRY to be different. You are different. Cook (Pot) from your gut.
17. Embrace the mundane. Do not bemoan the pedestrian tasks. Find pleasure in peeling a carrot (wedging clay), steaming rice (sieving glaze), searing a steak (pulling handle), prepping (sanding), cleaning (Oh yes, cleaning). Your reward is in the work, not around it. Cooking (Potting) is not about convenience, but the pleasure earned through creation and in giving pleasure to others. Shortcuts are tempting, even necessary from time to time. But if you rely on pre-cut vegetables, pre-marinated meats, and canned sauces, you are not cooking. You are assembling. I guess we had all seem some assembled pots before.
19. Justify your food (works) in at least two ways. A dish (piece of work) must taste (function) good and be seasonal (stylish), or look good (good form) and be healthful (be safe or be inspiring). Having dual objectives raises your standard of execution. Plus when a single purpose falls short, you have provided yourself a safety net.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Elbow above shoulder

For 6 months, I could hardly raise my left elbow over the shoulder because of a stupid move involving the bicycle. ;> OK,OK, the truth is I was sitting in the front of the mini-van, and try to pull the water bottle out from the bicycle in the back. See, it doesn't sound as cool.
I lost about 30% range of movement mostly to the back and up. Couldn't play swing monkey or windsurf. Sudden movement sent electric shock pain right down the arm. But, most of the time, I was fine with normal daily routine. So, my belief was just take it easy and let it resolve gradually without intervention. No doctor, no medicine, just simple exercises.
Maybe because of the cold weather lately, the shoulder started to cramp up during sleep, losing even more range of motion. Friends advised me to get treatment before it become a frozen shoulder.
Before the first visit to Ron (my acupuncturist), I planned carefully what to wear, so it's easy to show the bare shoulder and have needle inserted. Surprised by his request: "Can you take off your shoes and sock? Just the left one.", I wasn't sure I heard it right. It is the left foot acupuncture points he wants to focus on. He didn't look at or touch my shoulder at all.
During the 2nd visit today (I do remember clean socks!), the shoulder loosen up. Even with hand on the shoulder, the elbow can raise above shoulder. It's like an evil claw has been lifted from me. No more shock pain, even outside range, only dull pain.
It's a pleasure to be able to pull ones shirt off over head with BOTH hands.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sexy orchid make lousy lovers

In fact, it's the title of a recent book about nature. It happened that some orchids in the backyard are in boom lately. And here's what the title refers to: From some orchid's perspective, "All is fair in love and cross pollination". They will put on great effort into luring a male insect by undulating with striking colors in the breeze or mimicking the form and smell of female insect, even though one-third of these ancient flowers have no nectar to offer potential pollinators. If a bee encounters this kind of orchid, he will eventually have to leave hungry, nevertheless help spreading the pollen. So, If you've never thought of orchid as a lover, you may want to think again. Exquisite, exotic, elegant but deceiving.
It has been freezing cold a few mornings this week. I have been moving orchid pots in at night, out when it's warm, and in again…… thinking, some lovers can be high maintenance too.
But, who can resist?

Friday, October 22, 2010

You must go where I can not

"The Secret of Kells" is one of the most beautiful animation I had seen.

Irish poetic , like a dream, simply timeless. Again it proves - in my eyes, simple line drawing can be as powerful as 3D animation. I always prefer this - almost every frame is an Art kind of cartoon.

You must go where I cannot. Pangur Ban, Pangur Ban (name of the cat)

It’s a misty old world,and we are only in it for a short, sharp while.

Didn't you have dream like this before? Try to fight the beast with something ridiculous, like a piece of chalk, or a piece of chocolate. I just love it.

P.S. If you've netflix account, you can watch it online for no extra cost.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


幾天前, 自己在千挑萬選後, 拋棄多年的舊愛, 重金選了新Mac情人。
蘋果昨天發布新的MacBook Air
心中即時聽到一峰的聲音 ---
"最怕挑剔篩選好情人 辛苦揀好才驚覺
最稱心的一位終於趕到 現在誰都不敢愛"

只好乖乖的, 不去多看一眼, 但是漂亮稱心的東西, 總是有他們的魔力。
真的, 蘋果又做魔鬼了。

Saturday, October 9, 2010

October Backyard Happening

I found her while waiting for the appearance of river otters.
Anybody likes star fruits??
This reminded me of Rousseau's wild animal in the jungle, but this tiger doesn't look surprised at all.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

From the mountains to the coast

Same as last year, I will take the Trek. (not the trike, which weigh twice as much; I can hardly go up any hill.) Lucky that I begin to like my new saddle - an Adamo, which was advertised for men, but I find it works for women too. The Giro still needs sometime to break in, but I'm happy to take the advice of not wearing a 16 year old helmet anymore.
Here's where we will camp and start the ride a week from today. No! it's not some chateau in Europe. This is the Biltmore Estate, Asheville, North Carolina.
Very excited to have the chance to ride the new (since 2008) Point Lookout Trail to see the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains.
If you're interested in all the details of this 7 days .... 450 plus miles on open roads, eight overnight towns and 1000+ cyclists, here's Cycle North Carolina fall ride website.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Now he's six and a half

Jacob advanced to level 5 over the summer.
First try on his brand new rollerblades.
He loves the TV show "Wipeout".
He keeps telling me how much he likes his "NEW" Sony DC, also using functions I never know it had.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Here's a few shoots of the last soda fire in the end of May.
I chose to use a long lens to focus on the color and texture of the surface, instead of the form.
If you click on the image, it will give you a fairly large image and nice details.
When sodium carbonate interact with the slip on top of porcelain.
The interviewee on the radio said: .... heat up strontium and copper together, it gives turquoise color......
Yes, I know that. Is he a potter? It turn out he's a different kind of alchemist. Someone who is passionate about color, even it only last for a few second in his case.
Still don't know!? Look up to the sky tonight, when everyone go : ooohs and ahhhs!!!
The same sound you hear in some art shows.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


早前老友送來這<平靜的起點>。 看著蒼翠的山, 柔柔的水, 這裡的人與事, sailor不禁感動不已。

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Self Sustained System, until....

Another odd job, in the middle of nowhere. A camera and weather station in Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge recording mostly beach erosion, ran for more than 2 years with no incident, until the GSM-cell modem die.
As a non-technical support personnel, I got to wander around the wilderness.
It is not the first time, I encountered this kind of little creature.
But, it's the first time, I saw one play dead.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June Backyard Happening

First time growing red potato.
One of the best moment, which only happens a few hours each time, a few times a year.
Roses are from the newly planted rose garden, but lychee are from friend's tree. It surprises me every time when someone said they don't like lychee, or not even willing to give it a try.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meet a new friend

He was a little shy at the beginning, until we broke open the package of a granola bar, he came right toward ....... the breakfast.
After the ride, I decided Not to have "Bacon"...... at least for today.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Normal sunday ride

This is our routine for Sunday morning. Get up before sun rise, have a half breakfast (I had egg fry rice this morning.). Then head south on A1A, go on Gomez in Hobe Sound, along the south beach road on Jupiter Island. Since it's early Sunday morning, there is almost no traffic. In fact, there are way more bicycle than car along this route.Another routine is "Bacon (thick & crunchy) & Buttermilk Pancake (Arrowhead Mill) & mix berries" after 30 miles ride. Yum Yum!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Soda fire with Ellen

Both Ellen and I adore porcelain soda fired works. We are attracted by its subtle, quiet quality of depth and beauty. At the same time, the deposit of soda and directional flashing is kind of like kiss by angel; unpredictable and unrepeatable.
This is our first test firing. We had mixed 5 different kind of slips and half dozen glazes. Most recipes from Gail Nichol's book and Sam Chung's handout. Loaded very loosely.
Instead of spraying soda solution, Justin taught us how to mix 50/50 soda ash with baking soda into soda paste.
Ellen putting 10 lbs of soda paste in around 2300F. Then the kiln is reduced cooling (fire down) to about 1800F before shut down. And it will be opened in 3 days. Stay tune.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


後面一棵大榕樹, 是的, 是一棵鳥的天堂.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Long weekend in Paducah, KY - Music Festival

Title of photo : "Album Cover of the Hasegawas" w/ out of town artists.
Name of the album : " Together, we ride"
One. Two. One two three...........
Auntie May May... comes a long way....
Together we ride... ride to the park... ride to the pond... ride to the market...
It's not enough time... to play all the toys... read all the books... sing all my songs...

Sunday, April 18, 2010


This year, instead of books, I indulged myself with a couple of very nice trimming tools from the conference. As the box describes; Sharp! The feeling is like handling sushi knife, instead of butter knife.
Bison (far right) is no question the best in the industry, costs 5 times as much as the Dolan (center). However, when your tool is sharper than you (or simply that I'm not very sharp), accident is waiting to happen. I paid a small extra price with my finger today. No biggie, just a small cut.

But, I hate cut on my finger. :-(

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The guy who lives across the street

We have heard his voice for a while, but never have the chance to see him. I believe Handsome lives in the mini pine jungle.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Flying lesson

I believe this is the safest way to learn to fly; with the Flying master Jeff and a training cable. That way, he can take over and save the plane in an instant, which happened very often in the first try.
6 and a half feet wing span sailplane, only weight 30 oz - Radian
Right! Right!..... No, the other Right! Right. ;-P
Ned is the real brave one, who goes up again, again and again.... Today, he saved himself with his flying instinct during an equipment broke down.