Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tomato power

It's the first time Siew Mei spend a night away from home without us. The vet wants to keep her overnight to make sure she's all right. It might help if she would eat some tomato.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The end of a long vacation

每有遇上, 總有分離。在這中間,有一些什麼在我們的心中增長,或死去。大概只有時光流逝,一次又一次,讓我們知道,什麼是我們最最珍惜的。

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Someone is lost?

Turn out grandpa is the real adventurer, just lost enough to be fun.

Rooms with a view

We adventured out to Key West. Thanks to Alex, we got the best rooms in town.
The boys even sailed out for the sun set, but I got the same view from the room.
Next morning, the view changed.

Little adventurer