Thursday, October 30, 2008


For some people, christmas comes early (or anytime they want). But, not every christmas you get to re-live the feeling of getting your first bike, making new flag for it, wanting to sleep with it, getting up early and ride, being chased by big dog, and go ride some more, and not feeling tired at all. Even the name catch my imagination. Inspired Cycle Engineering - Quick Trike. Sure enough, very nicely engineered.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Beyond Wherever

一連讀了兩本‘不能放手’的旅行日誌。如果你問過 “ 我們還可以用什麼心情/態度去旅行?“ 之類的問題,這書可能可以給一點激勵和啟發。
其實,如果你也問過 “ 我們還可以用什麼心情/態度生活下去?“ 這也可能用得著。
New York Times has a good write up on 'The Naked Tourist'. And if you like 'The motorcycle Diaries', 'Chasing Che' is one step beyond.

Monday, October 13, 2008


The wind is perfect, the waves not too big, sail fast, but safe distance from the sand bar, everything is under control. At least that is what I thought the moment before. BANG! The board stops dead, but I keep going. It's something about physics, I was taught :). The problem is I'm still attached to the boom and the board. So, instead of free flying off, my head smashed into the mast and my knee swung anatomy the wrong way. OK, it's not fatal in this case, but it hurts. The worst thing is, it stays in the back of my mind. It was a net, caught the fin of my board. It reminds me one of National Geographic photo. A dead wild dolphin, since caught in an abandoned fishing net in the middle of the ocean. It gives me goose bump every time I think about it. There's no safe place on earth.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Want it or not, these days you will get nitrogen for free (at least for the first year) when you get new tire. It has been used for decades in Formula One, Tour de France and the Military for better performance (steering/ braking) and longer tread life. BTW, after two decades of driving, I finally picked new tires by myself, with hours of research on the net and study of reviews and calling all dealers in town. After all, I pick the same Michelin to replace the ten years old ones. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


She comes to visit every dusk, looking for food. Perfectly wild and young.
Georgia mountain range south of Lake Arrowhead.
Still too early for yellow/orange/red.
Reminds me of the animation Ice Age.